Thursday, June 23, 2022



Check out the event recording here. 


With the widely-reported use of landmines and cluster munitions in the war in Ukraine, renewed attention has been brought to these weapons—and U.S. policy on them. Join us for a virtual discussion of current U.S. anti-personnel landmine and cluster munition policy, with experts and survivors. 


Following a discussion by the panelists, at least a half hour will be reserved for questions.


Speakers include:

  • Bounthanh Phommasathit, Activist and Cluster Bomb Survivor
  • Mike Burton, Board Chair of Legacies of War 
  • Ben Rhodes, Writer, Political Commentator, and National Security Analyst
  • Rachel Stohl, Stimson Center
  • Mary Wareham, Human Rights Watch 


Jeff Meer, Chair of the USCBL-CMC Steering Committee and Executive Director of Humanity and Inclusion, will provide welcome remarks.


The U.S. Campaign to Ban Landmines-U.S. Cluster Munition Coalition is the U.S. affiliate of the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize winning International Campaign to Ban Landmines and the global Cluster Munition Coalition. The civil society coalition works to end the suffering caused by landmines and cluster munitions, which cause unacceptable harm to civilians both at their time of deployment and for decades after.